After Dark

Last on: Monday 16th September 2024

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After Dark

Lambeth Council wants to know how older LGBTQ+ people can feel safer at night in the borough.

The Royal Vauxhall Tavern will be hosting a very special event on 16th September 2024 (6pm-9pm) to bring older LGBTQ+ people together with Lambeth Council, police and charities to discuss how we feel in Lambeth at night and agree recommendations on how we can feel safer.

Tonic Housing, who run the UK’s only LGBTQ+ Retirement Community based in Vauxhall, LGBT Hero, the LGBTQ+ health and wellbeing charity, and Galop, the LGBTQ+ anti-abuse charity, will be at the event. It will also be an opportunity to meet the Met Police LGBTQ+ Liaison Officer for Lambeth and there will be a performance from Lola Lasagne, with free light refreshments.

Tickets are free but limited, so please register here: After Dark: How safe are older LGBTQ+ people in Lambeth?