Saturday 10th June 2017
3:00pm - 7:00pm

Tickets: £10

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For safety and comfort, as a condition of entry, all bags and coats must be placed in the cloakroom at all times.


A serious look at fun.

Duckie and Queen Mary University of London invite you to an afternoon of chin-scratching and high-kicking, during which having fun is to be taken very, very seriously indeed.

Join performers, researchers and punters for a half-day event – programmed by Ben Walters as part of his PhD research with Duckie – exploring whether some forms of enjoyment can be considered properly queer and how they might shape the world.

With Alok Vaid-Menon, Angel Rose, Arman T. Niknam, Atabey / Vogue-Chi, Ben Campkin, Laura Marshall & collaborators, Ernesto Sarezale, Josh Hepple, Karnage, Life at Large, Liselle Terret and Emma Selwyn/Not F..kin’ Sorry, Maiada Aboud, Malik Nashad Sharpe/marikiscrycrycry, Micah Hacim, Oozing Gloop, Stephen Greer, Timberlina & Meth – plus Julie Atlas Muz and Queerlective at that night’s regular Duckie (entry included).

If that’s your idea of fun.


More info at https://www.facebook.com/events/365377583860070/

Tickets from https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/queer-fun-an-ivory-tower-vaudeville-tickets-32726784694