Last on: Monday 14th August 2023

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Come and help shape the future of LGBTQ+ elder care.

An exclusive round table event for those over 50 at the RVT.

Many LGBTQ+ people feel they are forced back in the closet as they age and fear homophobic nursing homes or care professionals.

So, it is no wonder that 91% of LGBTQ+ people would favour a community-specific elder care provision.

If you’ve got an opinion to share on what that community-specific care provision should look like, please apply to join our focus group on 14 August, 18:00-20:00 to help shape the future of LGBTQ+ elder care.

The event is hosted by a new start-up that is harnessing community, technology, gorgeous design (and cabaret!) so we can all age with PRIDE, and they’d really welcome your views. Join us for a great discussion.

To attend please email: NEIL@JAFJAF.CO citing your name, age, gender and sexual orientation

***Places are limited and we are aiming to curate a diverse crowd so all of our community is heard***