Queer Question time returns to the RVT on June 22nd for a discussion on everyone’s favourite subject, Brexit. It’s been almost 1 year since ‘Independence Day’ and all we know so far is that Brexit means Brexit. As catchy as that jingle is, we’d like a bit more
So, QQT are inviting a panel to come down to see if they can tell us a little bit more of what they think #Brexit might look like and the implications on yourself and the United Kingdom.
As you know, or may not know, there is a General Election* campaign happening across the country. This leaves us in limbo until we have the results. Once this is said and done we will publish our panel.
If you have any questions that you’d like to submit please get in touch on davidrobson34@msn.com
@Davidrobson84 #QQT
Queer Question Time
Brexit – 1 Year On
8.00 Discussion.
(Doors from 7pm)
*It was our wish to have a #GE17 hustings as we had done in 2015 to immense success. But due to the time frame called of the snap election (On April 18th) the RVT and myself were all booked up with prior commitments. February and June 22nd has been in the RVT diary since January.
To submit a question to our panel please email davidrobson34@msn.com .
On the panel: TBC