Introducing Dr Duckie – aka Ben Walters – in a public explanation ünt examination of his just completed PhD with Queen Mary University of London on Duckie in the Community.
It’s about the neo-liberal wobble, the technology of queer fun, and doing family differently.
It’s about the power of homemade mutant hope machines – ways of thinking, feeling and acting that build better worlds – right here, right now – one day, one show, one dance at a time.
In a game of two halves – 45 mins speil & 45 mins with Q&A hosted by Simon from Duckie – Ben will tell you punters about his findings from Duckie’s community-centric projects like The Posh Club, The Slaughterhouse Club, DHSS, Duckie Family, etc. – and his theories around reproductive queer futurity and other brainy stuff.
For beauty skool drop ins, clever cunts, Claires in the communities, bookish lesbians, sexy scholars, posh people and desperate folk who take about twelve years to finish their PhD.
Free entry to Duckie afterwards.