Female Masculinity Appreciation Society! #14

Friday 23rd September 2016
8:00pm - 3:00am

Tickets: £8/£5 post midnight

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For safety and comfort, as a condition of entry, all bags and coats must be placed in the cloakroom at all times.

Female Masculinity Appreciation Society! #14

This evening is in aid of Female Masculinity.

For all of us who are, all of us who want, all of us who live, breathe and play with it.

If you want to join, please follow the rules:

~Arm Wrestle ~
~Dress to Impress~
~Enjoy the Light Entertainment~
~Sweep them off their feet with your dance moves~
~Interact in Classic Conversations~
~Watch Moving Images from the past~

It would not be FMAS without a bit of Arm Wrestling, Prepare yourself for the GAME and Let’s see who will be The Winner!
ArmWrestle start 21:00, if you want to wrestle or cheer on, be there in good time for prime spots!

SHOW: By Adam All & Apple Derrieres, Benjamin Butch and Surprise Guests.
start 23.00

Our resident DJs will make the Dancefloor heave and the Party Atmosphere Up til 03:00!
There will be a Phat Mix Of Tuuuuuunes, Happy Songs, Indie classics and Alternative Freshness! You know they know their stuff! FMAS DJs since the beginning!
So come and enjoy
DJ’s Hug The DJ & DJ Jo Bunny!!

FMAS #14

£8 on the door, £5 after midnight
Get your outfit sorted and come to this Mega Event!!

Produced by Wotever World, for Queers by Queers
Photo: Edward Kristiansen