Saturday 9th May 2020
1:00pm - 6:00pm
Doors: 1pm

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For safety and comfort, as a condition of entry, all bags and coats must be placed in the cloakroom at all times.

G’Day of The Doctor

Doctor Who charity event

G’Day of the Doctor is a one-day Doctor Who event to raise funds for victims of the terrible Australian wildfires. It will take place at The Royal Vauxhall Tavern – one of London’s most iconic LGBT+ venues – from 1pm – 6pm.

Expect the unexpected! This will be unlike any Doctor Who event you’ve been to before – it’s going to be an entertainment spectacular!












We will also be featuring: The UK premiere of the colourised Day of Armageddon: Episode 2 of The Daleks’ Master Plan!

Cabaret from The Vixens – stars of the Edinburgh smash-hit ‘Doctor Whosical’!

Stand-up comedy from Charlie Ross!


The Quiz of Rassilon ON TOUR!

Lots more surprises…!

Who we are: 

We are a collective of Doctor Who fan groups who wanted to channel the power of our fandoms into doing something to aid those affected by the awful bushfires in Australia.

The Sisterhood of Karn – the LGBT+ Doctor Who fan group

Diva Loka – The Brighton Area Doctor Who Social Group

The Time Ladies – A blog by and for women who love Doctor Who

The Quiz of Rassilon – The legendary monthly Doctor Who quiz night

Who we are supporting:

We have decided to split the proceeds of this event 50/50 between animals and humans, and have picked a charity for each. 100% of what we raise will be going to these charities – we are not taking a single penny in fees or commission. Huge thanks to all of our guests who have given their time free of charge. After much deliberation, the charities that we have chosen to support are:

WIRES – NSW Wildlife Information, Rescue and Education Service: https://www.wires.org.au/

BLAZE AID – Helping Communities Rebuild After Natural Disasters: https://blazeaid.com.au/


Due to the nature of the venue this is an 18+ only event – apologies for any disappointment this may cause. The venue has step-free access, but due to being a listed building does not offer disabled lavatory facilities.

This is more of a ‘show’ than a ‘convention’ – and as such there will not be time for selfies and autographs with the special guests. (Unless you are one of the lucky ‘meet n’ greet’ gold ticket holders…!)

While all are welcome, please note that The Royal Vauxhall Tavern is an historic LGBTQ venue, and discriminatory behaviour towards anyone will not be tolerated. Please see their manifesto here: https://www.vauxhalltavern.com/manifesto/

Tickets are £45 plus very limited Gold tickets £80

Plus if you cannot attend but would like to donate, you can via the donate link in the Outsavyy ticket link

The very limited gold tickets will grant the bearers access to an exclusive ‘meet n greet’ with the stars after the main event. (We can not guarantee that all stars will be in attendance for this.)

All guests appear subject to work commitments.