Queer Question Time

Saturday 7th December 2019
4:00pm - 5:15pm
Doors: 3pm

Tickets: FREE

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For safety and comfort, as a condition of entry, all bags and coats must be placed in the cloakroom at all times.

Queer Question Time

General Election 2019 – Vauxhall Hustings

QQT are proud to announce a #GE19 Hustings event for the seat of Vauxhall at The Royal Vauxhall Tavern on December 7th.

This is the first December General Election since 1923. It’s been called The Brexit Election, The Climate Election and even The Once in a Lifetime election but, what are the questions you want answered?

Vauxhall is a key target seat for other political parties who want to take it from Labour following Kate Hoey’s decision to stand down after 30 years as it’s MP.

Vauxhall is also home to the largest LGBTQ+ Population in the United Kingdom. This husting is your chance to quiz the candidates on the issues that matter to you be it local, national or personal.

On the Panel Are:

Jacqueline Bond – Green Party
Sarah Bool – Conservatives
Florence Eshalomi – Labour
Ed Hall – Brexit Party
Sarah Lewis – Liberal Democrats

Chaired by Stewart Whoo – Produced by David Robson
Doors 3pm
Candidate Introductions 4pm
Debate 4.15pm (60 Minutes)
Questions are asked to be submitted in advance to Davidrobson34@msn.com
There will be an opportunity to submit questions at the event but not guaranteed to be asked.

About #QQT

Queer Question Time is a community-led discussion event that debates current LGBTQ+ issues as well as local and national politics.

It was established in 2009 at the legendary Royal Vauxhall Tavern in Vauxhall, South London. Since then it has gone on to tour the country holding our elected officials and community figures to account.