Small Pleasures

Last on: Wednesday 28th February 2018
Doors: 7pm

Tickets: £7 donation or pay what you can

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For safety and comfort, as a condition of entry, all bags and coats must be placed in the cloakroom at all times.

Small Pleasures

Acts. Disco. Charity. The Four Gay Triplets fundraise for LGSMigrants.

The Four Gay Triplets
Loudly Present


All inclusive & dead exclusive, SMALL PLEASURES is a post-monarchy anti-capitalist variety show.

Acts. Disco. Charity.

It’s been a whole year since its roaring debut, when we managed to raise nearly £1500 for LGSMigrants. The Four Gay Triplets are back once more to host a second serving of this avant-garde four-corners-of-the-world all-you-can-eat buffet.

On the lazy Susan we have:

Everyone’s favourite piece of cutlery.

Take a chanson on me.

Well-spoken, Well-Dressed and Well-Hung


Putting the Bar into Barnsley.

THE FOUR GAY TRIPLETS (aka Eleanor Perry, Daniel Hay Gordon & Carl Harrison)
Martha Graham meets the Sugababes


Life. Death. Prizes… plus many more to be announced…

Disco sounds from Spinderella OLIVER KEENS, music and nightlife editor of Timeout no less.

The night will act as a fundraiser for Lesbians and Gays Support the Migrants.

‘What is LGSMigrants? LGSMigrants recognise that in the current political climate immigrants bare the brunt of the rise in the far right and are criminalised and demonised by the state. We recognise that often our queerness is weaponised by the state and media to justify the barbaric treatment of migrants. We are here to work in solidarity with all people that fall victim to the xenophobic and racist British immigration system. Throughout recent history LGBTQ+ folk have been labelled illegal for just existing. The same is happening to people fleeing war, climate change and inequality through no fault of their own. This is why through direct action and fundraising we stand in solidarity with migrants. We believe no human is illegal.’

Doors 7, Shows 8. Disco. Drag. Shag. Home. Do join us.

TICKETS: Cash on the door. Suggested Donation £7 but pay what you can. All proceeds go to LGSMigrants.