Son of a Tutu

Son of a Tutu

A former Drag Idol winner, host, activist and brilliant performer you can see Tutu in the new film of Everybody’s Talking About Jamie.



The first female drag queen to perform at Sunday Social, Holestar as one of the best voices in London.

Beau Jangles

Beau Jangles

Stylish drag king with a line in cool and sexy 1940’s songs and banter.



Multi-talented performer and host of their own shows and Cabaret Roulette.

Cerise Rei

Cerise Rei

Brilliant dancer, cabaret sensation and choreographer, one of Bar Wotever’s resident stars.

LoUis CYfer

LoUis CYfer

The first drag king to win Drag Idol, respected performer, actor, writer and West end star.

Baby Lame

Baby Lame

Punk-Horror-Drag Superstar, host of official Drag Race UK podcast and host of Recon Cabaret at The RVT.

Drag With No Name

Drag With No Name

As crazy as they come, Drag With No Name is always hugely entertaining with great songs and a lot of laughs.

Karla Bear

Karla Bear

Winner of Drag Idol 2019, this Aussie sensation with the big voice has become a hugely popular Sunday Social resident.